What we do

Project examples

ask … 

“The question of ‘why’ is central to qualitative market research. However, as experienced moderators, we know that the entire discussion guide is dedicated to this question, but it should never be asked directly if you are really looking for profound answers.“

Even in the age of so­cial me­dia, clas­sic qual­i­ta­tive in­ter­view-meth­ods are held dear. More than ev­er , to­day it is an es­sen­tial part of re­search es­pe­cial­ly with sen­si­tive tar­get groups like the ill, their loved ones, care­givers, man­agers and opin­ion lead­ers. We, as bilin­gual MR&S mod­er­a­tors bring not on­ly our pro­fes­sion­al com­pe­tence but al­so em­pa­thy and as­sertive­ness to the in­ter­view re­gard­less of lo­ca­tion; a fa­cil­i­ty, at re­spon­dent’s home or place of work, on the phone or on­line.

The Busi­ness Ob­jec­tive

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Our client want­ed to test their com­mu­ni­ca­tion ma­te­ri­als for a new an­ti-can­cer med­i­ca­tion pri­or to launch. They want­ed in­put from  fu­ture ther­a­py de­ci­sion mak­ers to help im­prove ads and core mes­sages.

Re­li­able & Ded­i­cat­ed

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An­tje Schaf­frani­etz: “Of course it’s a chal­lenge to elic­it any emo­tion­al re­ac­tions to core mes­sages for Prod­uct X out of on­col­o­gy sur­geons or med­i­cal di­rec­tors. But with each pro­ject, and of­ten each re­spon­dent type, we in­di­vid­u­al­ly se­lect and cre­ate pro­jec­tion tech­niques to draw out the opin­ions of the less com­pas­sion­ate re­spon­dents. It takes a lit­tle charm and a lot of per­se­ver­ance!

Pe­tra Kem­merzell: “Ex­act­ly! And when your client – like the last pro­ject in Mu­nich – tells you how im­pressed they are that MR&S  mod­er­a­tors … even in in­ter­view num­ber 16 … still give each re­spon­dent the feel­ing of be­ing the most im­por­tant per­son on earth, and the client is still en­joy­ing the in­ter­views, well, that’s VERY en­cour­ag­ing!


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What if there’s no ap­pro­pri­ate ma­te­ri­al for the role-play­ing game that would be per­fect for this ex­act study? Well, we get cre­ative and de­sign our own. Like our ‘Dolls’ for ex­am­ple – they have shown to be re­al­ly great tools for ex­plor­ing the ther­a­py al­go­rithm with­in a chang­ing com­pet­i­tive land­scape. We will al­ways have the right tech­nique for your pro­ject in our bag!