What we do

Project examples

cre­ate … 

“With creativity, it’s like with the talent: Without commitment and effort, no performance can be achieved.“

True in­no­va­tion is the ‘ic­ing on the cake’ of prod­uct de­vel­op­ment – and above ev­ery­thing else, hard work. MR&S sup­ports the cre­ative pro­cess of prod­uct de­vel­op­ment by uti­liz­ing a tai­lored study de­sign that in­volves the fu­ture prod­uct us­er or con­sumer very ear­ly in the pro­cess. De­pend­ing on the busi­ness ob­jec­tive or stage of de­vel­op­ment we con­duct on-site work­shops where we bring both prod­uct en­gi­neers and fu­ture cus­tomers to the same table (MR&S Tool I.D.E.A.L.) or we build a tem­po­rary on­line com­mu­ni­ty (Co-Cre­ation with the MR&S Tool F.A.C.T.) to gath­er ini­tial thoughts and ideas for dis­cus­sion and fur­ther de­vel­op­ment.

The Business Objective

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For the launch of their new in­sulin brand the man­u­fac­tur­er want­ed to de­vel­op a ‘Starter-Kit’ pro­vid­ing easy to use in­struc­tions for in­jec­tions and the de­vices ap­pli­ca­tion in dai­ly life, even if it was a pa­tient to new to in­sulin.

Reliable & Dedicated

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Pe­tra Kem­merzell: “It was fas­ci­nat­ing to see how the di­a­bet­ic pa­tients we in­vit­ed to the fa­cil­i­ty en­gaged with the first drafts and tru­ly im­proved them with their own ideas! It was so im­por­tant to give the re­spon­dents time to eval­u­ate po­ten­tial ma­te­ri­als and to talk about their feel­ings and as­so­ci­a­tions re­lat­ed to col­ors and forms. And, of course, al­so about prac­ti­cal things like wash­able sur­faces and wa­ter­proof zip­pers, no one would ev­er have thought of be­fore.


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The as­signed prod­uct de­sign­er who had been in­vit­ed to the in­ter­views by our client im­me­di­ate­ly sketched the re­spon­dent’s ideas and hand­ed them back to the au­di­ence. Step by step a not on­ly prac­ti­cal but al­so very beau­ti­ful Starter-Kit emerged, that some re­spon­dents would have been very hap­py to take home right away!