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Project examples

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“We focus on developing a research-economic study design that is tailored to your project objective.

We are con­vinced, that the de­vel­op­ment and im­prove­ment of your prod­uct or ser­vice ben­e­fits from a con­sec­u­tive ap­proach. When do­ing large stud­ies with mul­ti­ple tar­get groups, es­pe­cial­ly in mul­ti­ple coun­tries, an in­tel­li­gent mix of method­olo­gies in field­work and anal­y­sis is sim­ply the best ap­proach. Call it hy­brid re­search or 360° method, we sim­ply call it be­ing fo­cused on your pro­ject goal.

The Busi­ness Ob­jec­tive

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Our client want­ed to learn about new mar­kets in Eu­rope, Asia, Aus­tralia and Latin Amer­i­ca for their well es­tab­lished Ger­man mar­ket in or­der to stream­line mar­ket­ing ef­forts. What could oth­er coun­tries learn from the prod­uct jour­ney in Ger­many and what new im­pulse do emerg­ing mar­kets bring for fu­ture brand man­age­ment in Ger­many?

Re­li­able & Ded­i­cat­ed

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Pe­tra Kem­merzell: “In Phase 1 we con­duct­ed IDIs with physi­cians and phar­ma­cists in Ger­many. In Phase 2 we did in-per­son re­search with the same tar­gets in South and East­ern Eu­rope and an­a­lyzed the dif­fer­ent mar­ket sit­u­a­tions against the back­drop of the par­tic­u­lar health care sys­tem – gov­ern­men­tal or com­mer­cial in­sur­ance health care plans. Af­ter com­plet­ing the anal­y­sis we fo­cused on the “new coun­tries and con­ti­nents” for our client – Mex­i­co, Brazil, Sin­ga­pore and Aus­tralia – and set up an On­line Bul­letin Board for in­ter­view­ing physi­cians and phar­ma­cists. We’ve been im­pressed and sur­prised with how much the ’emerg­ing mar­kets’ had in com­mon with the ma­ture mar­kets of the ‘old world’. Com­bin­ing in-per­son in­ter­views with the on­line bul­letin board was very ef­fi­cient and in many ways, the con­tri­bu­tions to the on­line bul­letin board were more ex­plic­it and ex­ten­sive, be­cause the re­spon­dents were able to do it on their own sched­ule.


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Cul­tur­al sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences are al­ways in­spir­ing. At MR&S we make sure your stim­u­lus is trans­lat­ed  by pro­fes­sion­als who un­der­stand the spe­cif­ic and re­gion­al lan­guage. We must un­der­stand  the so­cial con­text out of which the tar­get per­son re­acts to any text and vi­su­al. So we nev­er get bored in ex­plain­ing to our Amer­i­can clients why words like ‘con­trol’, ‘bat­tle’, ‘fight’, ‘pow­er’ and ‘pa­tient jour­ney’ do not al­ways trans­late lit­er­al­ly in­to Ger­man. But we al­ways find an ap­pro­pri­ate and/or cre­ative so­lu­tion, be­cause we un­der­stand your idea be­hind it!