our core research sectors


Agencies & institutes

We un­der­stand the chal­lenges of the work of a cre­ative agen­cy – cre­ativ­i­ty just doesn’t hap­pen at the flick of a switch! Our ex­per­tise in­cludes ad­vis­ing agen­cies, be­cause we are fight­ing for your ideas.  As an in­de­pen­dent en­ti­ty, and with re­sults based on sound mar­ket re­search, we are able to con­vey ideas be­tween the agen­cy and the end cus­tomer.

Research spectrum i.e.

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  • Ad­ver­tise­ment tests / Cam­paign eval­u­a­tion
  • Po­si­tion­ing con­cepts
  • In­struc­tions for use
  • Cus­tomer in­for­ma­tion
  • Us­abil­i­ty tests
  • Web­site eval­u­a­tions

Our agency clients

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i.e. argonauten G2 | BBDO | GSW Europe | GSW Worldwide | HUNDERT89
East | Huth + Wenzel  | Ogilvy & Mather | Publicis Dialog | SIGNIS DR. HOFFMANN | Sommer & Sommer

Inter­na­tion­al work­ing mar­ket re­search in­sti­tutes

In the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and health­care in­dus­try, we work close­ly with part­ner in­sti­tutes that charge us with the Eu­ro­pean re­search in their glob­al pro­jects. Our open­ness & di­rect­ness  re­gard­ing the fea­si­bil­i­ty of the study, as well as our tar­get group skills are es­pe­cial­ly ap­pre­ci­at­ed when prepar­ing the study de­sign. The (of­ten long-term) busi­ness re­la­tion­ships have  led to count­less suc­cess­ful pro­jects for our end clients and  al­so to won­der­ful friend­ships.

Our market research clients

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i.e. Aisling | Blue Sky | Escalent (MSI) | Hall & Partners | Human Branding | in-sync | Kate Holloway | Ladd Research Group | SEE Insight | Susan Bardwell Consulting | The Link Group | Vivisum Partners