What we do

Project examples

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“Our American clients taught us that ‘I want to know’ falls too short. In English, you always find the phrase ‘I need to understand’, which has become a second nature to us in our market research self-conception.“

The need for in-depth un­der­stand­ing is what trig­gers qual­i­ta­tive re­search and makes our pro­fes­sion so unique. It’s the one and on­ly job where be­ing cu­ri­ous is not on­ly re­ward­ed but al­so pays your bills.

But se­ri­ous­ly: qual­i­ta­tive re­search over and over again de­mands ‘ar­ti­fi­cial green­ness’ to meet ev­ery re­search ob­jec­tive with an im­par­tial­i­ty and an open mind. We need to ex­plore deep­er and deep­er and nev­er stop prob­ing be­cause you don’t want to set­tle for sin­gle-edged and su­per­fi­cial re­spons­es. And you shouldn’t!

The Busi­ness Ob­jec­tive

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In­ter­ven­tion­al Car­di­ol­o­gists are very spe­cial peo­ple. But how can we do a ty­pol­o­gy on them with­out falling for the clichés? How can we re­al­ly un­der­stand who they are and what they do and use this for an in­di­vid­u­al­ly tai­lored com­mu­ni­ca­tion ap­proach?

Re­li­able & Ded­i­cat­ed

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Pe­tra Kem­merzell: “We asked our IC re­spon­dents to build a rock band and tell us about their own role with­in that band – would they rather see them­selves play­ing the lead gui­tar, be­ing front man as a singer or would they be­long to the rhythm group? What in­stru­ments do the oth­er team mem­bers play with­in that band? That pro­jec­tion helped us gain valu­able and hon­est per­son­al­i­ty traits for this spe­cial­ty group. We then  val­i­dat­ed these traits in the next step of the pro­cess by talk­ing to their su­pe­ri­ors, col­leagues and Cath Lab med­i­cal as­sis­tant staff us­ing the same anal­o­gy. This gave us a con­trol group to avoid sin­gle-sid­ed and pos­si­bly so­cial­ly de­sired self-de­scrip­tions of our pri­ma­ry tar­get group.


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Whether you are us­ing rock bands, clas­si­cal or­ches­tras, painters, or ac­tors for role mod­els, all per­form­ing arts pro­vide a won­der­ful pro­jec­tion screen for in­spir­ing pro­fes­sion­als with high­ly eth­i­cal and sci­en­tif­ic stan­dards to talk about their feel­ings and show emo­tions.